Does the Lockbit group of cyber-attackers have some limits? It would seem that the answer is yes.
On 18 December, a Toronto children's hospital suffered a cyber attack that paralysed the institution and left it unable to access critical systems. As a result, the hospital was unable to provide proper patient care. To this day, the hospital hasn't fully recovered access to its systems.
Following the attack, the attacker group apologised and offered free data decryption software to Canada's largest paediatric hospital. Lockbit claims that this was an independent action by an affiliate of the group, with whom it has severed ties since the attack, as it wouldn't be in line with the values of the cyber attackers.
Indeed, according to the group's values, users of their ransomware will be forbidden to target a place where the life of others is at stake. This is surprising given the numerous attacks by the Lockbit group on French hospitals, which don't seem to worry them.