Reference implementation revision 1 for representation of adversary behavior in STIX format
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This is not the first time we have talked about the Structured Threat Information Exchange (STIX) a description language used to compile...
- Mar 21, 2023
PWNJUTSU: Data and semantics to track cyber attacks
This week we will talk about cybernetics, the study of control and communication processes in living beings, machines and economic and...
- Mar 7, 2023
Tracking vulnerabilities with a recommendation system
Again, we're talking about recommender systems and today we look at a system that aims to mitigate software vulnerabilities. Identifying...
- Feb 21, 2023
A data-driven recommendation system for handling ransomware
We adore recommendation systems. And we love to recommend you articles about recommendation systems… To prevent the spread of malware, it...
- Feb 7, 2023
Predictive Blacklisting and Implicit Recommendation System
This week we focus on a new interesting concept: predictive blacklisting. Today, blacklists are commonly used to protect against...
- Jan 23, 2023
SHADEWATCHER Recommendation-guided Cyber Threat Analysis
We often talk about it and you already know it, recommendation systems are taking over the world! (you wish) Today we are talking about...
- Jan 11, 2023
Generate attack graphs and predict future attacks with recommendation and prediction
As you probably know, at Malizen we like recommendation systems. So today we focus on a tool developed by UK research teams that could be...
- Dec 27, 2022
Modeling cyber threats with the Markov chain
Today, as the use of digital technology increases, so does the risk of threat. Traditionally, cyber security has focused on understanding...
- Dec 13, 2022
The use of similarity measures for recommender systems
This week, in our favourite PhD student’s rabbit hole, there was an article on the use of similitary measures. But, it’s not as easy as...
- Dec 1, 2022
A Timeline of Large Transformer Models for Speech
This week, we are not interested in a research article but rather a blog post. And a good one! Since the arrival of the Transformer...
- Nov 14, 2022
CTI: a review of issues and challenges
CTI: a review of issues and challenges.On-the-fly enrichment by CTI for data investigation is now possible with Malizen.
- Nov 2, 2022
Reproducible and Adaptable Data Generation for Cybersecurity Experiments
In this article, some researchers from Germany bring up the issue of obtaining relevant datasets in order to test cybersecurity tools....
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